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Trim the Fat With Data Hygiene & Commingling

Written by Leslie Nienaber

Trim the Fat With Data Hygiene & Commingling


Is your business looking to free up heavy mailing costs or de-bloat your CRM of inaccurate contact records? Let us help get you back in shape!


cloud-computing (2) Data Hygiene

Your business may be spending money marketing to customers that aren’t even getting your messages. A good data cleanup can help correct contacts that have inaccurate emails or out-of-date mailing addresses, as well as identify new segmenting opportunities through data appends.

Read more, or contact Gary Seitz to get started:


email-open-sketched-envelope Commingling

Reduce postage costs by taking advantage of combining, or commingling, your mail. By adding your mail to a mix of mail from other organizations all headed to the same zip code, your business receives USPS discounts that could put money back into your pocket.

Read more, or contact Mandy Gebbie Clayton to get started:


Need more help? Our team of experts can assist you with all things mail and data related. Contact us today to get started!  

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