
The Worst Advice We’ve Ever Heard About Data

We all know that data quality contributes heavily to the success of direct marketing campaigns. At least forty percent of your campaign’s success rate is attributable to your data.  Because we…

Data, Mail

Trim the Fat With Data Hygiene & Commingling

Is your business looking to free up heavy mailing costs or de-bloat your CRM of inaccurate contact records? Let us help get you back in shape!    Data Hygiene Your business may be spending money…


Are You Scared of Your Data?

At C.TRAC Direct, we deal with hundreds of customers and their databases each year. We find that many of our accounts are a little scared of their own data – and we understand why. When we work with…

Case Studies

Support Services Boosts Efficiency for Wigs for Kids

Wigs for Kids has a long history of doing annual appeal mailings and monthly donor letters with Midwest Direct. When their small facility became swamped with incoming donations, they turned to Midwest…

Support Services Boosts Efficiency for Wigs for Kids

Wigs for Kids has a long history of doing annual appeal mailings and monthly donor letters with Midwest Direct. When their small facility became swamped with incoming donations, they turned to Midwest…


Take Your Direct Mail Back to School

Summer is coming to an end, lunchboxes are back on display, and supermarkets across America are suddenly flooded with frustrated-looking parents trying to find the exact three-ring binders requested…


The Price You Pay for Bad Data

We all have certain things that really aggravate us. One thing that never fails to upset me is wastefulness, especially when it affects the environment. For example, my local grocery store double-bags…

Better Mail Delivery & Postage Savings with Data Hygiene

Undeliverable-as-addressed. It’s a thorn in the side of mailers and direct marketers everywhere. And undeliverable-as-addressed (UAA) mail can appear to be tough to avoid, with 40 million-plus…