
The Worst Advice We’ve Ever Heard About Data

We all know that data quality contributes heavily to the success of direct marketing campaigns. At least forty percent of your campaign’s success rate is attributable to your data.  Because we…

The Plus Podcast, Data

35 & 36: The Power of a Partnership Data Review; Part 1 & 2

Acquiring data is not the hard part. Making it meaningful, keeping it relevant, and using it to inform your most important marketing decisions is. At CTRAC Direct, a division of Midwest Direct, we are…


Digital printing: Connect with Variable Data Printing

You know when you get a mail piece addressed to “Current Resident,” and you instantly move the piece - both mentally and literally - over to the junk pile?The simple secret to avoiding the junk pile…

Data, The Plus Podcast

2: Are You Ready To Enhance Your Data Beyond Data 101?

Need to improve your data for better marketing? Listen to Gary Seitz, VP of Data and Analytics, describe how his team has helped accounts do better data management from the most basic requirements…

Data, Beginner's Guide

Beginner’s Guide to Data

If you’re new to data (or you’ve got a lot of data that needs a lot of help), here are two basic checklists to help you get your data in shape for better marketing results and a lot less wasted…

Data, The Plus Podcast

1: Overview of Data with Gary Seitz

Getting data isn’t the problem. Making sure it’s accurate and segmented to reach the right person and in the right channel — that’s a challenge. Tying engagement and sales rates back for source…


Our Print Partners Offer Clients More

Today’s print buyer wants the best possible value delivered with their campaign. Midwest Direct enhances our print partners with complimentary marketing services, expanded data, and deep dive analytic…


GDPR Came In Force This Morning. Now What?

Editor’s Note: This week, I received an email from one of my wearable device companies. Screenshot below. The name of the organization has been erased. Sadly, I’ve never lived in the EU. Heck, I…

GDPR Came In Force This Morning. Now What?

Editor’s Note: This week, I received an email from one of my wearable device companies. Screenshot below. The name of the organization has been erased. Sadly, I’ve never lived in the EU. Heck, I…