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Rich Gebbie Quoted in Talking Points Memo on Vote by Mail Elections

Written by Miwest Direct

Tierney Sneed from Talking Points Memo (TPM) writes about the problems Midwest Direct and other mailing companies around the United States are facing in Mail-In Elections Can’t Be Built Overnight. Here’s What Will Happen If Every State Tries. In this article Rich Gebbie, CEO of Midwest Direct and president of NAPM speaks on the struggles some mailers who are inexperienced in mail-in elections are facing when it comes to capacity and equipment. Sneed also interviews other experts in the mailing and election industries to fully understand the roadblocks that are in place for many states when it comes to Mail-In Elections. 

At Midwest Direct, many of these are problems we have already faced and overcome while navigating the previous mail-in elections. We know this can be challenging in “normal” election cycles. Election 2020 brings with it all the regular challenges along with new urgency, regulations, and demand. Now, more than ever, you need an experienced ballot partner to guide you through the process. 

Learn more about the difficulties some mailers are facing and how Midwest Direct is prepared to help you overcome these challenges.


Mail-In Elections Can’t Be Built Overnight. Here’s What Will Happen If Every State Tries.


Midwest Direct: Your Official Election Partner For Mail-In Ballots



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