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Grand Rapids DSCF Marketing Mail Letters Temporary Redirection

Written by Midwest Direct

Reprinted and adapted from National Association of Presort Mailers (NAPM)


Due to temporary processing changes, DSCF Marketing Mail letters for Grand Rapids (490-491, 493-495) will be temporarily redirected from Grand Rapids P3 – NASS 494AX located at 3550 Patterson Ave SE, Grand Rapids MI  49512 to Grand Rapids P&DC – NASS 493 located at 225 Michigan St NW, Grand Rapids MI  49501. 

Drop shipment appointments at Grand Rapids P&DC are available from 7:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. daily.

These changes have been published in the Mail Direction Errata File dated 06/05/20.  In accordance with an Errata file publication, the redirection is optional, so DSCF Marketing Mail letters will be accepted at either Grand Rapids P3 or Grand Rapids P&DC; however, we appreciate any assistance you can provide in redirecting the letters to Grand Rapids P&DC as soon as possible.  This temporary redirection is projected to end August 31, 2020 but we will provide updates as they become available. 


Reprinted and adapted from National Association of Presort Mailers (NAPM)


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