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Catalog Marketing with Better Data Services

Written by Michelle Toivonen

Better Data Services Get Results

Catalog marketing programs are a valuable method to engage your audience and keep them interested in all you have to offer. We've got years of experience helping our retail accounts navigate the flow in catalog marketing. We focus on your data, the management of that data, and how to turn interested parties into sales using data-driven marketing decisions to build your audience.

We help our clients with everything from data hygiene and acquisition to creating a custom database with live reports to inform your marketing decisions and help you to grow sales. With our help, you can integrate sales data, data from other online channels, and siloed data to create better customer profiles and segmentation to support personalized marketing and customer journeys.

When you get up and running, you'll value our custom dashboard to show the reports your need and have built-in queries to help you quickly analyze your marketing & sales data. We build API’s to automatically pull in data you need from other databases to support accurate reporting available on demand.

And, we go beyond the martech to help you build campaigns, interpret your results, and offer actionable insights to help you keep your marketing plan moving forward. 

Want to know more about how to use catalog marketing to your advantage? You can wait for the campaign to roll out or you can skip ahead to the links below and dive right in. 

Contact us anytime and ask for help with your catalog marketing campaign!

WEEK 1 Marketing Data & Analysis


Don't Miss Part 2 of The Plus Podcast on Soundcloud





Get Started with Catalog Marketing. Contact us today! Email for more information.


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