
3 Reasons to Boost Direct Mail Marketing Before Q2

Everyone has a particular brand that they see too much of these days. For me, it’s Bath & Body Works – I get at least four emails a week from them, at least one text alert a month, coupons in the mail about once every two months, and their ads may even pop up on my Facebook page.…

Mail, Marketing

Is Print Really a Promotional Product?

Pens, coffee mugs, hats, water bottles… if you can put a logo on it, it can be used to promote a business. Promotional products are everywhere, and more than half of us use them at least once a week.…


4 Things Westworld Taught Me About Business

Have you ever questioned the nature of your own reality? It’s a question frequently asked on the new futuristic HBO show Westworld, which finished up its first season on Sunday. Westworld has all the…

Marketing, Mail

Don't Ditch Your Holiday Print Ads This Season

When I was little, I remember going through the catalogs sent to our home and earmarking pages that had items I wanted to put on my Christmas list. From a Barbie Jeep to a Sno-Cone machine, believe me…


Going Cookie-less: The Benefits of IP Targeting

Leave it to the internet to devise a way for us to hate what would normally be a favorite dessert of many: not warm, chewy in the center or made from a secret family recipe that goes way back, we’re…

Marketing, Mail

3 New Ways to Combine Technology & Print

This week, Snap Inc. (it’ll always be Snapchat in our hearts) launched Spectacles: limited-quantity sunglasses that can record videos and directly upload them to your phone. It’s a brave move…


How to Do B2B Content Marketing

You can't walk past a group of marketers without hearing the phrase "content marketing" seven times.  That's a slight exaggeration, but content marketing continues to be a buzzword we'll hear this…

Marketing, Mail

Graphic Design Game Changers

At Midwest our creative team is constantly pursuing better graphic design.  Much of what we do centers around raw functionality, such as designing a mail piece that passes breezily through mail…


Connect with Customers in Micro-Moments

Everyone talks about a call to action.  But a call to what action, exactly?  It’s not always buy, buy, buy! Consumers want different things at different times during the purchasing cycle. And…


Digital Marketing: pURLS 101

pURLs are a smart way to blend traditional and digital communication channels in a powerful marriage of marketing tactics. Here’s what pURLS are, and why you should consider using them in your next…