Data, Beginner's Guide

Beginner’s Guide to Data

If you’re new to data (or you’ve got a lot of data that needs a lot of help), here are two basic checklists to help you get your data in shape for better marketing results and a lot less wasted…

Data, The Plus Podcast

1: Overview of Data with Gary Seitz

Getting data isn’t the problem. Making sure it’s accurate and segmented to reach the right person and in the right channel — that’s a challenge. Tying engagement and sales rates back for source…

Mail, Marketing, Data

How to Save Money and Improve ROI with Your Next Mailing

Overview Want to save on postage and improve ROI with your next mailing? Here’s a quick overview of some of the best methods. Start by improving your potential ROI and check for potential additional…


6 Roadblocks Keeping You from Building the Right Personas

Businesses can’t go far in their marketing endeavors before the topic of personas comes up. With so many data sources competing with a demand to offer highly-personalized, relevant messaging,…

Data, Mail

Trim the Fat With Data Hygiene & Commingling

Is your business looking to free up heavy mailing costs or de-bloat your CRM of inaccurate contact records? Let us help get you back in shape!    Data Hygiene Your business may be spending money…

Data, Mail

Are You Hiding Your Returned Mail Under the Tree?

It’s a problem every business faces, yet most employees hide it in dark storage rooms, dusty shelves, or even in the trash: we’re talking about returned mail. Aside from not reaching your prospects…


Find Your TRUE Customers with These 4 Data Steps

If businesses had the time and ability to meet each of their many customers, they certainly would. It would provide invaluable information into exactly who they are, what motivates them to make…


Are You Scared of Your Data?

At C.TRAC Direct, we deal with hundreds of customers and their databases each year. We find that many of our accounts are a little scared of their own data – and we understand why. When we work with…


Take Your Direct Mail Back to School

Summer is coming to an end, lunchboxes are back on display, and supermarkets across America are suddenly flooded with frustrated-looking parents trying to find the exact three-ring binders requested…


The Price You Pay for Bad Data

We all have certain things that really aggravate us. One thing that never fails to upset me is wastefulness, especially when it affects the environment. For example, my local grocery store double-bags…