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What is Data-Enriched Commingled Mail?

Written by Midwest Direct

Data-enriched commingled mail and similar terms relating to data and mail commingling are being touted as a new, critical commingling component.  This is half correct.

Many mail comminglers have been using customer data to organize and manage their mailings for years. But many others have not: Mail is unloaded at their facilities and taken right to machines for processing - versus being put through rigorous quality control and data coordination processes.

Mailers and customers who communicate well and share data also share a lot of advantages:

  • Mail can be tracked through the system
  • Adjustments can be made, and mail can be moved in and out of mailings - as if you were moving pieces on a chessboard
  • You get speed, better discounts through smarter mail schemes and sort levels
  • More flexible drop dates.

Our data-sharing is so tight that the supervisors overseeing our fleet of Apexes are working real-time with clients, our data team, customer service, and sales. We're making on-the-fly corrections and enhancements, without interruptions to processing.

Maximizing great data for multi-million piece mailings is an engineering feat. But making data-enriched commingled mail simple and valuable for customers is really the point.

So yes, no matter what term you call it, data-enriched commingled mail is a good thing for customers. We just call it business as usual. Contact us today to get started or schedule a tour of our facility to see our process at work. 

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