Digital Plus Post, Mail

Three Mistakes Nonprofits Cannot Make During Appeal 2021

I’ll cut to the chase. Nonprofits need to strategically plan and allocate their marketing budgets to get the biggest bang for their buck. Most of us know that those channels include email, direct mail, and.....well, the rest of the channels vary. Some do great with media coverage and others do better in social media. Given that email and mail are usually the two most important channels, what can you do to ensure you’re squeezing every last bit of marketing from those channels? …

The Plus Podcast, Digital Plus Post

30: Leave No Leads Behind With Online Retargeting

Online ads are a popular tool for marketers that are commonly used for a multitude of purposes. In previous blog posts, we have covered the different types of online ads and what the best option is…

Marketing, Digital Plus Post

Google Ads for Dummies...Or Smart, Small Business Owners

Small business owners know they could benefit from advertising with Google Ads. Most just don’t have the time to learn how, nor the money to hire an ad agency to do it for them. Owners put off this…

The Plus Podcast, Marketing

9: Our Best Marketing Services in 15 Minutes or Less

Are you new to outbound marketing? Are you experienced with mail and email marketing, but need support trying new outbound channels like Informed Delivery or Targeted Display Ads? Want a new marketing…