Beginner's Guide, Mail

Beginner’s Guide To First-Class Mail

What Is First-Class Mail? First-Class mail is one of the most popular and efficient ways to send letters and flats. First-Class mail offers speedy delivery. USPS is delivering mail 1-3 days locally…


7 Facts About First Class Mail You May Not Have Known

When it comes to qualifications for mail classes and the best options for each mailer, the information out there can be a bit confusing, especially about First Class mail. The primary differences…

Mail, The Plus Podcast

8: How to Win Big With Presort and Commingle

Listen to Mandy Gebbie Clayton describe how presorting and commingling is completed at Midwest Direct and learn how you can start to save time and money when mailing today!…

Mail, The Plus Podcast

7: It’s Easier to Succeed with Direct Mail Than You Think

How do you do a direct mailing campaign? From beginners to experienced professionals -- anyone who needs help creating and delivering a direct mail campaign should listen to our Direct Mail podcast. …


Save Time and Money with First Class Presort

Mail can be expensive, especially if you’re sending a lot of it. One way to avoid being spooked by postage prices is to use First Class presort services, commonly known as commingling. Presorting your…


First Class Mail vs. Standard Mail: Learn the Difference

When you're sending direct mail, and need to save on postage, compare first class mail vs. standard mail. This article is a detailed source on the differences between first-class and marketing mail -- and how to save on postage in 2021!…